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  • 换鞋凳矮凳豆腐块布艺绒布大象椅北欧Nadadora沙发凳大象椅长凳 elephant stool 凳墩榻
换鞋凳矮凳豆腐块布艺绒布大象椅北欧Nadadora沙发凳大象椅长凳 elephant stool 凳墩榻
换鞋凳矮凳豆腐块布艺绒布大象椅北欧Nadadora沙发凳大象椅长凳 elephant stool 凳墩榻


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换鞋凳矮凳豆腐块布艺绒布大象椅北欧Nadadora沙发凳大象椅长凳 elephant stool 凳墩榻

北欧Nadadora沙发凳长凳elephant stool服装店长条沙发休息凳子换鞋凳布艺矮凳 大象椅

Elephant Stool Sori Yanagi, 1954 The Elephant Stool is one of the most famous examples of Japanese post-war design. Its clear form and functionality are as compelling today as ever. Suited for indoor spaces as well as balconies and gardens, the stackable plastic stool can even be used as portable picnic furniture.

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qq710295860-2018无Elephant Stool电话模版网址750.jpg


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