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  • 瑞士双人位沙发 大师家具设计网 全球高端家具定制
瑞士双人位沙发 大师家具设计网  全球高端家具定制
瑞士双人位沙发 大师家具设计网 全球高端家具定制

瑞士双人位沙发 大师家具设计网 全球高端家具定制

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瑞士双人位沙发 大师家具设计网  全球高端家具定制

Vitra is a Swiss company dedicated to improving the quality of homes, offices and public spaces through the power of design. Following in the tradition of Charles & Ray Eames, who have influenced Vitra’s approach to sustainability in many ways, product longevity is central to the company’s contribution to sustainable development; short-lived styling is avoided at all costs. This can be seen most clearly in the classical pieces of furniture that have been used for decades, had several owners and have then even ended up as a part of a collection.

Design Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby, 2014

Webbed metal frame, polyurethane foam, upholstery
Made in Germany by Vitra

The Mariposa Sofa radiates an inviting aura of spacious comfort - and yet maintains a subtly understated presence thanks to its balanced proportions. The sofa owes its extraordinary comfort, on the one hand, to the pleasantly soft upholstery, which completely surrounds the sitter and prevents contact with any hard structural elements. On the other hand, an ingenious adjustment mechanism makes it possible to individually tilt the side and backrest elements for various sitting or reclining positions.

The Mariposa Sofa does not openly display this function: the slim side and back elements can be continuously and silently adjusted, from an upright position to an outward angle of approximately 30º and back again. The resistance is calibrated in such a way that these elements stay in place when the sitter leans back in a normal manner, but will adjust to the desired angle when intentional pressure is applied. This flexibility allows individual users to determine the position that is most comfortable for them. Thanks to the unusual depth of the seat surface, two people can sit on either end and comfortably face each other - to carry on a conversation or share a cosy spot for reading. With these special features, the Mariposa Sofa offers an inviting place to prop up your feet and relax.

Mariposa features a webbed metal frame with polyurethane foam. The seat cushions, back & armrests are polyurethane and visco foams with chamber cushion overlay filled with stripped-quill feathers, PU rods and viscoelastic rods. The sofa includes plastic glides and upholstered in your choice of options.

78.75" - 90.5" L | 38.5" - 44" d | 28.5" - 31" h | legs: 55" L | 23.25" d

产品解析(Product Analysis)


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